Creating & working with Work Orders

Reading time: 5 minutes

Today you'll learn...

  • What Work Orders are & their purpose

  • The anatomy of a Work Order

  • Creating Work Order Templates

Why Work Orders?

Why Work Orders and not Tasks, Action Items, etc..?

In the construction industry in general, and the solar industry in particular, Work Orders are the nuts and bolts of getting things done. They're clear-cut guides for the crew, laying out the details for each task, whether it's up on a roof or behind a desk.

For the field guys, Field Work Orders cover the hands-on jobs like installing solar panels or doing a service check-up to keep systems running smoothly.

Back in the office, the Office Work Orders are all about the prep and follow-up - sorting out permits, handling net metering applications, and making sure everything's lined up right for a smooth operation. Both types are key; they keep the whole team in sync and the solar projects on track.

What are Work Orders?

1. Statuses over Stages 🚦

We will be retiring stages in favor of statuses over the next 60 days. Almost everyone who's ever used Coperniq has asked or at least wondered why they have to assign the task and then manually set the stage to "ASSIGNED," schedule the task and then manually set it to "SCHEDULED," etc... Enter statuses!

If your team started using Coperniq after 05/17/2023, you wouldn't see the Stage sunsetting countdown can safely ignore this.

Below is a summary of Work Order Statuses, their meaning, as well as whether they apply to Office or Field Work Orders or both.

2. Status shortcuts 🏎

Instead of clicking the status button, then selecting the next status with another click, you'll now be able to transition the status in a single click.

3. Field vs office Work Orders 🖥 / 🛠

You can now easily differentiate between office Work Orders (permitting, net metering applications, engineering) and field Work Orders (site surveys, installations, inspections). Watch out for the 🖥 icon which represents an office Work Order, and the 🛠 icon which represents a field Work Order.

4. Stage sunsetting countdown ⏳

Again, if your team started using Coperniq after 05/17/2023, you wouldn't see the Stage sunsetting countdown can safely ignore this.

5. Assignee (👷‍♀️) & Collaborators (👩‍💼👷‍♀️👩‍💼)

Many of you have been asking for a more streamlined way to distinguish between the team leader (crew chief, head permit coordinator, etc.) and the rest of the team members working on a particular Work Order. Now every Work Order will have a single assignee, allowing you to set multiple collaborators.

As another highly requested bonus, on the dispatcher, not just the assignee but also all the collaborators will see the Work Order in their respective swimlanes.

Work Order Templates

See Templates support doc in Coperniq support

Last updated