Request & Project Workflows

What You Will Learn Today:

  • The essentials of Coperniq's workflow system.

  • Customization of workflows to accommodate various operational needs and regulatory environments.

  • Personalization of project stages, work orders, and automation for an efficient project lifecycle.

  • Application of workflows for managing diverse sales processes and comprehensive project execution.

Intro to Coperniq Workflows

Coperniq's workflow feature is designed to intuitively mirror your business processes, offering two distinct types of workflows:

1) Request workflows

Request workflows manage the linear progression of sales records. You can simply add stages by hovering over a stage and clicking on the + icon to add any or remove request stages. The request workflows provide a clear, linear path from a raw lead to a nurtured relationship, ensuring that potential deals are managed effectively.

2) Project workflows

Project workflows come into play after a solar proposal and contract have been signed (ask your customer success manager on what trigger would make the most sense for your business), guiding you through the execution phase of your solar/energy project. Project workflows are more complicated than request workflows and has more dimensions to it, since we are an ops-first platform. For that reason we will add more sections in this article to unpack.

Tailoring Workflows to Fit Every Need

Workflows in Coperniq are not one-size-fits-all. They are as diverse as the projects and regions you work in. You can create multiple workflows to fit different aspects of your business, such as:

  1. Geographically Specific Workflows: Tailor workflows to comply with the unique solar installation regulations of each state or country.

  2. Project Type Workflows: Design workflows to cater to different services you offer:

    1. Whether you're a subcontractor focusing solely on installation and no permitting is required. Below is an example of a Residential-subcontractor workflow in California

Deep Dive into Workflows

Within each workflow, work orders and forms are the tools that drive progress. Work orders define the tasks, while forms collect all necessary information, such as contracts and utility bills. Automations serve as the muscle, sending out SMS messages or emails to streamline communication.

Harnessing Automation and Flexibility:

  1. Automation Triggers: Set up triggers based on:

    1. Workorder completion or transitions to unblock the project stage

    2. Stage completion or transition to keep the project moving smoothly.

That’s a Wrap

In this exploration of Coperniq's workflows, we've navigated through the critical features and customizable nature of the platform, ensuring you have the knowledge to leverage this powerful tool in your solar and energy projects.

  • Workflow System Essentials: We've introduced you to the robust architecture of Coperniq's workflow system, demonstrating how it forms the backbone of your project management.

  • Customization for Operational Needs: You've learned that Copernic's workflows are not just flexible but fully customizable, allowing you to adapt them to the unique requirements of different states or projects, ensuring compliance and efficiency no matter the regulatory environment.

  • Personalization of Project Stages: We've shown how to personalize project stages, work orders, and automation. This ensures your project lifecycle is managed with precision, from the initial onboarding to the final stages of PTO.

  • Diverse Sales and Project Execution: Finally, we've detailed how Copernic's workflow applications are not limited to project management alone but extend to managing a wide array of sales processes, catering to a comprehensive project execution strategy.

By now, you should feel confident in your understanding of how to create, customize, and apply workflows within Copernic to streamline both your sales and project management processes. Remember, these workflows are designed to grow with your business, offering a scalable solution to your evolving needs.

Next Steps:

Take the next step in mastering Copernic by diving into our in-depth tutorials on creating work orders(coming soon), utilizing forms(coming soon), and setting up automations(coming soon), enabling you to fully harness the power of your workflows.

Last updated