Standard & Custom Properties
Today you will learn…
What Properties are used for in Coperniq
How to create a new property
Where to access your properties
You can create a property for requests, projects and clients
How to Group them into folders for organization
See a new property in action once created
Reading time: 5 minutes
The purpose of a Property is to add data fields to be used in Coperniq for data tracking
There are many different types of properties and we’ll discuss that below
Once you're on the Properties page, you’ll see how easy it is to create a property
We'll use a new property on Requests for our example today
Let's go ahead and unpack how to create and manage Properties
1) Where to access your Coperniq Properties
Go to Workspace settings:
Go to Properties:
Click “Create” to create a new property::
Click “Search” if searching for a particular property that may already exist:
Note: You can organize your properties by folders such as this:
2) Creating the new property
When you hit “create” you will choose “+ create property”
This will open this view: (Create Property)
From here, you will proceed to fill out all the needed fields for the property:
Name (*required)
Default value
Group (what group the property will be added to)
Icon URL for property
Proerty Type (you will be presented with a dropdown)
Access (which Teams will access the property for use)
New Project (detremines if the property will be accessible inside the “New Project” modal
If you choose to share the Propery between Clients, Projects and Requests click here to choose:
Once you are done, click “Save” to save your new property:
Note: there is a standard section of properties in Coperniq that cannot be edited as they are vital to functionality
3) Searching for your new Property
If you want to access your new property you can type in a few letters here and hit the magnifying glass:
4) Editing/Deleting a Property that already exists
If you want to edit/delete a property click on the three dots to the far right of the property and you will be presented with options:
5: Seeing it in action
Now that I have created the property we can go to a request form and see it in action:
In the example, this property was added to Other in Requests and can be used with all Request records
And here's where this property will show on the Request record
What did we learn today?
How to access Properties in Coperniq
What the purpose of properties are in Coperniq
How to create new properties
How to create folders to categorize your properties
How to search for a specific property
How to edit or delta a property
Last updated
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