Client Portfolio
Today you will learn…
Dialing in on the perfect set of Clients to ensure an optimum view for the records you want to review in the Client Portfolio
Saving Smart Views to save you and your teams time
Various terms used in the Client Portfolio in Coperniq
Reading time: 5 minutes
The Client Portfolio is where all your company's Clients live, or -- if you're not an Admin -- whatever Clients you have access to (see Roles).
Once you're on the Clients page, you have various tools at your disposal, allowing you to hone in on the perfect list of projects, depending on your task.
Some common examples include:
10,000-foot overview of your Clients and current status Leads, Prospects, and Customers
Basic filtering such as by Groups and Created at (you can add more than one sort)
Filtered pipeline of Clients in a particular city or state, site address, and last activity as examples
The possibilities are limited only by your task at hand & your creativity!
For the sake of this article, we're going to look at the example of a 10,000-foot overview of your pipeline of Clients and their statuses.
Let's go ahead and unpack each of the tools available to you for honing in on a list of Clients for your best viewing.
1. Status of a Client
There are three statues in the Client Portfolio:
Leads: Leads come into Coperniq from places such as your website or Facebook (0 Requests)
Prospects: Must have one Request
Customers: Must have at least one Project
2. Search
This is the most intuitive & good old way of boiling down a list of Clients. You can search by:
Client Title
Site Address
Client Type
Primary Phone
Primary Email
Site Address Zip Code
Pro tip: Don't over-rely on text-based search. The best users & companies ask "How can I make my/my team's life easier by looking for common patterns here?" & then proceed to build out a Smart View using some of the more powerful & time-saving tools listed below. Read on!
3. Archive
This toggle shows/hides archived clients. Again, pretty self-explanatory. Read on for tips & tricks on bulk (un)archiving Projects.
As far as our 10,000-foot view goes, we'll only show clients that are not archived, i.e., leave the toggle in the "off" position.
4. Group by
This one is our personal favorite here at Coperniq. Grouping allows you to at-a-glance segment your Clients based on any standard or custom property, to quickly separate Clients into neat, easy-to-access buckets, to make them easier to digest. Each group shows how many Clients it contains, and allows you to (un)collapse it for quicker navigation.
The possibilities here are endless. Some go-to groupings:
Client Type: Commercial or Residental
Site Address State
Site Address City
5. Sort by
This is spreadsheets 101, except you can quickly sort by more than one Standard or Custom Property in ascending or descending order.
For example, you can sort by the "Client Type" (ascending), followed by the "Last Activity” (descending), which will show you all the Clients by type and then the last activity to get a better view of what has current activity.
Aside from these, you can sort by any other Standard or Custom Client field. Here are some highlights:
"Created at": This sorts by the date & time when a particular Project was created
"Last activity": This sorts by the date & time of the last user activity within a particular Project
"Site address”: If you know the address (or even part of it) offhand
Primary Phone or Email: As part of the client record
6. Filters
You'll see a right-side panel slide-in by clicking on the "More" button. This is the Filter panel.
By clicking "+ ADD FILTER" (1) you can add a new Standard or Custom Client to filter by.
Using simple English phrases like "Project Manager is Elon Musk", you can easily add Filters, that will be easier for your team to understand. You can add multiple Filters (2, 3) and use "And" & "Or" operators (4) to construct more sophisticated combinations of Filters.
Finally, you can close the Filter panel by clicking "CLOSE"
7. Manage columns
Next, let's select the most useful Properties to show in our view. Once you click on "MANAGE" you'll see the following screen.
You can search for any property and also navigate to a particular property group. Then you can (un)check particular Properties. This will include or exclude them from the list on the right where they can be dragged and dropped into the most useful order.
Make sure to hit "SAVE" in order for your changes to apply.
Pro tip: If you're building a view for a particular team or department think about how they would want to see the columns daily and what’s most important for their view.
8. Saving & sharing Smart Views
Once you build the perfect view for yourself or your team, you're going to want to save it for future reusability, so you don't have to go through the same steps 1 through 8 multiple times a day/week/month.
Clicking on "VIEWS" will show the list of all Smart Views available to you. In order to save the view, proceed by clicking on "+ Save smart view" under the list.
Then you'll see the following screen appear:
Here you'll be able to either save a new Smart View or replace an existing one (1). Next, you'll be able to pick an emoji (2) -- leave a comment below with your favorite emoji -- and give your Smart View a descriptive name (3).
Pro tip: Always try to use descriptive names that will be obvious to you and your team weeks & months after you originally create it. Consider using the following format: "<User or Team> - <Purpose> - <Additional details>", e.g., "Elon - Southwest Suburb-Houdton - Texas".
Finally, you'll need to choose the visibility of your Smart View. You can make it visible to
Everyone in your workspace
Only you
Select teams and/or roles
Pro tip: Be a good citizen and be mindful of your teammates when creating Smart Views visible to everyone. Make sure you're not polluting their digital work environment. At the same time, if you come up with an amazingly useful view that you know your team would benefit from, consider making it visible to them.
9. Quickly accessing Smart Views
Here's the best part: once you save a Smart View, you can access it with a single click from any page in the Platform. You can also search your Smart Views by typing into the "Search..." box under "Smart views" on your left-sidebar menu.
If you & your team invest some time into planning & constructing useful Smart Views, you'll gain great leverage & start saving a ton of time, gracefully & efficiently jumping from view to view!
Last updated
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