

Today you will learn…

  • How to Access Templates

  • How to create a Work Order Template

  • How to create a Form Template

  • How to tie a Work Order and Forms together

  • Where these are added to a Workflow

  • How to add a Work Order Template to a current Project

Reading time: 15 minutes

The Templates area in Coperniq is where you create the Forms and Work orders that will be used throughout your workflow of your users in Coperniq. These Templates define the work that needs to be completed and the documents that need to be filled out to move the project forward.

Once you're in the Templates area of Copernq you will see how easy it is to set up a new Work Order and Form for your workflow. Once these are created you can then add them to a Workflow and Projects ensuring the project flows seamlessly.

Let's go ahead and unpack how Templates work in Coperniq and where they tie into Workflows and Projects.

How to access Templates

Templates are accessed by going to Workspace settings>Templates

Pro Tip: Wrench = Field Work order and Monitor = Office Work Order

How to create a new Template:

Hit the “+TEMPLATE” button

How to search for Templates by name:

In the search field type the name of the Template you are search for:

Pro Tip: Type at least two letters to start the search

How to create new Template (Form)

Coperniq Forms help in streamlining the data collection process, ensuring that all necessary information is gathered in a consistent and organized manner. By attaching forms to a Work Order, you can:

  • Capture diverse types of data such as images, textual inputs, and selections from dropdown menus.

  • Clarify expectations by detailing what is required from each team member.

  • Organize information effectively, making it easily accessible for everyone involved in the project.

  • Save time by avoiding the need to collect data from multiple sources or formats.

When you click on Template>Forms you will be taken here:

To explain what you see here:

  • Top of Form (Name you want to call Form

  • Left column- Form Fields/Project Properties fields(you’ll be dragging and dropping these to the middle column)

  • Middle column-Where the fields will go as you build the form and organize

  • Right column-Namimg fields, adding descriptions and instructions, adding options (dropdown) and see a Mobile Preview of what you are creating (so cool!)

In order to add a field you’ll take it from the left column to the middle. You can also group these fields by using the Group feature.

Project Properties:

Your Project Properties are created in Workspace Settings>Properties>Properties Or with the “+” sign here you can create one directly here

They will all be listed here and you can add them to Forms as you choose (simply drag and drop them in the middle also:

When you drag and drop a field it will then allow you to setup up the field to the right, Here are few examples:

Dropdown example:

Pictures/Files example:

Pro Tip: Notice the “Required” so you can make this field required:

You can delete and fields you have dropped in the middle by hitting the”x”

You can move the fields up and down by dragging them:

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to Mobile Preview to see how your form looks on a phone

When done creating the Form, hit “Save”

How to create a Template (Work Order)

A Coperniq Work Order is the heartbeat of your Projects. These Work orders define:

  • What will be done in the Project

  • The Work Order let’s those assigned to know what must be accomplished in order to move the Project forward

  • Provides concise instructions

  • Can make sure unnecessary follow up does not need to occur

  • You can tie the Forms we discussed above to the Work Order

When you click on +Template and choose Work Order you will go here:

What you are seeing in this view: (top to bottom)

  • Type a Template Name

  • What type of Work Order (Field or Office)

  • Priority (High, Medium, Low)

  • Assignee (Pre-define the assignee to save time when the Work Order is used)

  • Collaborators (those other than the assignee you want to collaborate on the Work Order)

  • Labels (Defined in Workspace Settings, another way to define the Work o)

  • Add a description (when the Work Order is used this will provide a further description

  • Add an item (where you the checklist items you want completed with the Work Order_

  • Add a Form (we discussed these above, any forms created can be added to the Work Order

An example of an of an in-house Work Order:

An example of a Field Work Order:

When you’ve set up the Work Order Template as you want Click “SAVE” here to save your work:

Where are these Templates used?

Work Orders and Work Orders with Forms are used in Workflows and also can be added directly on a Project

In a Workflow, under a Stage you can add a Work Order Template here:

Pro Tip: The green sheet shows you if any Form Templates are attached to the Work Order

When in a Project you can add a Work Order directly to the Project out outside of the Workflow here:

That will take you here:

  • Project Name: Pre-filled in to the Project you are in

  • Work order template: Choose the template you want to use from a dropdown

  • Hit “CREATE” to add it to your Project

What did we learn today?

  • How to Access Templates

  • How to create a Work Order Template

  • How to create a Form Template

  • How to tie a Work Order and Forms together

  • Where these are added to a Workflow

  • How to add a Work Order Template to a current Project

Last updated