Aurora Solar


Once you request an Aurora Solar integration, assuming your tier supports it, you'll go through the following process:

  1. Your CSM will ask you to create an ADMIN user in your Aurora Solar (v2) app using api+{yourcompanyname}

  2. Your CSM will log in and confirm that the user permissions are sufficient

  3. Your Solutions Engineer will subscribe a webhook to the contract_signed event in Aurora Solar (see section below)

  4. Your Solutions Engineer will create an Aurora Solar API key (see section below)

  5. Our Aurora Solar Integration will handle listening for new contract_signed events & creating Projects in Coperniq 🎉

Creating a Webhook in Aurora

Creating a webhook through the Aurora Solar app (v2) involves a few simple steps. First, navigate to the settings page on the left by clicking the gear icon. Look for an option called 'Webhooks'. Then, click on 'New Webhook'.

You'll need to provide a destination URL for the webhook, which is where the data will be sent. Once you've done that, you can choose which event you want the webhook to listen for, for this example, it will be on ‘agreement signed’. Add in the destination URL in the ‘URL Template’ field. No auth is required. You can also set a filter, for example, only send the webhook if the agreement status is signed. Finally, enable your webhook and save your changes to create the webhook.

Creating API Tokens in Aurora

To create an API token/key with full access in Aurora, start by navigating to the settings page. Here, you'll find an option for 'API Tokens'. Click this, then select '+ New Key'. In the pop-up window, assign a name to your key, and under 'Permissions' select 'Select All'. This will give your token access to all operations and data within your Aurora instance. Once your Key is generated, you can use it to authenticate and interact with Aurora's API.

In order to fetch data from Aurora you will need both the Tenant ID and Generated Key.

It is highly recommended for each integration or 3rd party tool, a new key is generated.

Last updated