Emails and Phones

Emails & Phones

Today you will learn…

  • How to connect emails and phones

  • How to create new records for emails and phones

  • Where to see the status of your email connections

  • How to edit the permissions for each phone number and email

  • How to Disconnect an email or delete a phone number

  • Where these connections are used (examples)

Reading time: 5 minutes

The Emails and Phones area is where you connect both for use in Coperniq. With the connection, it is possible to send emails or SMS. Also, this area sets the permissions for each phone number and email by user.

Once you're in the Emails and Phones area of Coperniq you will see how easy it is to set up a new phone number, email, and how to set the permissions.

Let's go ahead and unpack how the Emails and Phones area works in Copermiq and where it ties into other areas.

1) Emails

Emails allow you to:

  • Set up a new email for connection to Coperniq

  • Set up the permissions per email

  • Add members per email

  • See the status of the connection per email address-(Connection Failed, Syncing, Connected)

  • Allows you to disconnect an email as needed

To access Emails:

Workspace settings>Communications and Notifications>Emaiils and Phones

To add a new Email click on (+EMAIL) and add:

You add the email address, and the name you want to have as the from, and hit (Connect)

Then you can click back in the email address to add/delete Members added to the email address, set the permissions per member, and Disconnect if needed:

Permission options:

  • Send and receive only their notifications-User can send emails and receive inbox notifications about replies on their emails

  • Send and receive all notifications-User can send email and receive inbox notifications on all replies about all member's emails

  • Can't send, but can receive all notifications-User can't send emails, but receive inbox notifications about all replies om member's emails

2) Phones

Phones allow you to:

  • Set up a new phone for connection to Coperniq

  • Set up the permissions per phone number

  • Add members per phone number

  • Allows you to delete a phone number as needed

To access Phones:

Workspace settings>Communications and Notifications>Emails and Phones

To add a new phone click on (+PHONE) and add:

You add the phone number, and name you want to be associated with the phone number and hit (CREATE)

Then you can click back in the phone numbers to add/delete Members to the phone, set the permissions per member, and Delete if needed.

Permission options:

  • Send SMS and Receive their notifications-User can send SMS and receive inbox notifications about their incoming messages

  • Send SMS and Receive notifications-User can send SMS and receive inbox notifications about all incoming messages

  • Cant send SMS but receive notifications-User can't send SMS but receive inbox notifications about all incoming messages.

3) Communication (examples where Emails and Phones-(connected) are used:

In Projects Emails and Phones are used for communication but must be connected (instructions above) for this to work.

Note: Don’t forget your permissions per user for the communication to occur correctly

In a Project Feed (Email example):

In Project-Feed (Phone/SMS) Example:

What did we learn today?

  • How to connect emails and phones

  • How to create new records for emails and phones

  • Where to see the status of your email connections

  • How to edit the permissions for each phone number and email

  • How to Disconnect an email or delete a phone number

  • Where these connections are used (examples)

Last updated