User, Role, & Team Management

User Management

(Users, Roles, Teams)

Today you will learn…

  • The areas of User Management in Coperniq

  • How to create a new User, Role, and Team

  • Where to update these records/functions as needed

  • How to search for a specific User or Team record

  • Various areas in Coperniq where Users and Teams are used

Reading time: 5 minutes

The User Management area of Coperniq is used for setting up and managing Users, Roles and Teams

Once you're in the User Management area of Copernq you will see how easy it is to set up a new user, assign a role to that user, create Roles (permissions), and create Teams.

Let's go ahead and unpack how the User Management area works and how it ties to areas in Coperniq

1) The Purpose of User Management

User management allows you to:

  • Invite a new User, Edit a current User, assign a Role to the User and Delete a User

  • Create Roles that define the permissions of a User, update these Roles

  • Create Teams that are used in Coperniq to assign Smart Views

To access User Management:

Go to Workspace Settings:

Then go to the User Management area:

There you will see the three areas we’ll be discussing below: (Users, Roles and Teams)

2) Users

To access Users click on “Users”

There you will see a list of your users and where to invite a new user

Click on “Invite” to create and invite a new user:

You will see First, Last and Email are required. Coperniq recommends Phone for notifications

Note: You will see “Role” for your user, we will talk about that below

If you have a large number of users you can search for a user at the top

3) Roles

Roles are where you set the permissions for the various roles in Coperniq. This is unlimited and you define the roles as they work for your business.

To access the ROLES area click on “Roles”:

Then you will see a list of current roles in Coperniq:

To Edit, Duplicate, or Delete a current role you can go to the far right of a role and your mouse will access these functions. You can also edit by clicking on the role name.

When you in a role you be presented with permissions for each role function:

In order to change the permission level, slide the green dot to the left or right:

Note: the “?” by the permission will describe what the permission allows

To create a new Role click on:

You will be asked to name the role and hit “Create”:

Once you hit “Create” it will add that to your list of Roles, then click on the Role name to set permissions:

4) Teams

Teams are used in Coperniq for assigning a group of users to items such as Smart Views (saved searches)

To access Teams click on “Teams” in the User Management area:

This will take you to a list of Teams you have in Copernic:

To create a new Team, click (+Team) and you will be presented with the ability to create a new team and add its members:

Then the team will be added to your team list.

You can edit or delete any of the teams by clicking on three dots to the far right:

If you have a large amount of teams you can search here:

5) Examples of where you will use all of these User Management functions:

As an Owner of Client Record:

On a Work Order:

On a Project:

Sharing a Smart View:

What did we learn today?

  • The areas of User Management in Coperniq

  • How to create a new User, Role, and Team

  • Where to update these records/functions as needed

  • How to search for a specific User or Team record

  • Various areas in Coperniq where Users and Teams are used

Last updated