Scheduling Work Orders & Mobile App
Today you will learn…
How the Schedule tool works Coperniq
Smart views (creation/save) in Schedule
How to take Work Orders on the Schedule and schedule them with drag-and-drop
How this saves time and redundancies in a project
How the field app ties to the calendar (checklist and stages)
Reading time: 5 minutes
Schedule is where you will schedule all of your current Work Orders to your staff (in house and field). The Schedule tool and calendar provide an easy way to see all current work orders and easily schedule them with drag and drop.
Once you're on the Schedule page you’ll see how easy it is to assign Work Orders.
Let's go ahead and unpack how the scheduling tool works and how it ties to the worker's mobile app
1) The purpose of Scheduling:
Schedule aggregates all your work orders in one place to schedule easily. And you can drag and drop the work orders on the calendar wherever you choose.
This is a much faster way to get the work orders scheduled than going into each project, then each work order and scheduling individually. Think about how long that would take you for a day or weeks worth of orders.
Now, we'll show you a much easier way to schedule.
Here's the view in Schedule
Work Orders to the left that need to be scheduled
Calendar to the right where you will drag and drop
You can also make a new Work Order in the upper right corner
Note: Work orders can be divided into office and field work orders
Office and field work orders have different statuses:
Office: Queued, Working, Completed/Canceled
Field: Queued, Scheduled, Assigned, On the way, Clocked in, Clocked out, Completed/Cancelled
2. Filtering
Your can filter the schedule or the tray of work orders to be assigned or both
You can also choose a view of week (for adjusting timing of visit), month or a list
3. Creating and Saving a Smart View on Schedule
You can create a smart view by setting your parameters here:
You can save the view by clicking on “VIEWS”: to the right and then “Save smart view”
And then filling this out to save the search:
Note options here:
You can make it a new view or replace an existing one you already have
You make it visible to only you (you’ll be the only one using the view), everyone at your company or only select teams or roles
You can then access your saved view here:
Note: The most common smart view to save is the field technician schedule view
4. The view for the field technician on the app (when assigned from Calendar)
Login view on Coperniq app to see all work orders assigned to an individual that came from assigning on the calendar
View of a Work Order on the app (where you can see all information on the individual work order)
View of the work order where the field worker will complete the checklist, forms, and add pictures
Note: All updates from the app completed by the worker will automatically update in Coperniq giving you a real-time view of the work order status
Once the worker has completed their work on the project on the app the project will move forward to the next stage thus saving redundancies in the office
What did we learn today?
How the schedule tool allows you to see and schedule work orders quickly as they are all aggregated together vs, doing individually from the projects
How you can create smart views in the Schedule
How to drag and drop the work orders on the calendar
How the field technician accesses and update those work orders once assigned from Calendar
How this creates a seamless process in the office and in the field to move the project forward
Last updated
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